
First Grade Homework Notice
Please note that we will not be assigning official homework for the rest of the school year.  We realize that there are many after school sports, activities, and special events that will take place which may make the completion of weekly homework difficult.

The following activities are encouraged, but not required as formal homework.  
Nightly Reading
Many students are VERY close to becoming 5 Star Generals. Fifteen minutes (or more!) of reading each night is strongly recommended. Please continue to fill out your first graders reading corp chart and keep it in your child’s green home/school folder.
May Reado
Students may complete this month’s READO board for a prize at the end of the month.
Trick Word Practice
Words of the Week will be sent home each week in your child’s green folder. You may continue to practice these words at home. Some spring word activities can be found on the back of the words of the week.
Journal Writing
Students can continue to keep a journal and write at home. Students can bring in their journal if they would like to share it with a friend or teacher.
ST Math
Students may continue to practice math skills using ST Math.
We hope that with this change in routine you are able to enjoy some more time with your first grader! Take some time to talk with your first grader about their day at school or spend some time playing outside, playing board games, or creating a project together. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.  

Looking forward to a fun filled end of first grade!

The First Grade Team